San Antonio is a diverse city with rich culture, natural beauty, and has become home to those serving in the military, making our city known as Military City, USA. As we look to 300 and Beyond, our city is expected to grow to 2.6 million people by 2040. This growth will impact our sustainability efforts. In response, San Antonio has developed a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan which is a roadmap for reducing carbon emissions by 2050, adapting to climate change, and ensuring San Antonio remains the city we have all come to love for generations to come.
What does this plan mean for our city, the business community, and people? We will explore the big questions and challenges that we face as a city as we grapple with our guiding question: How do you balance the tug of war between technology, sustainability and infrastructure?
The San Antonio City Council passed a resolution in support of the Mayor’s National Climate Action Agenda, a commitment by over 400 U.S. Mayors to uphold the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. In San Antonio, the term “sustainability” is interpreted differently by the environmental, business, and historically under-served communities.
The last rate increase occurred in 2013.
In 2016, 13% of energy generated by CPS was derived from renewables.
Transportation and buildings are the two largest producers of GHG emissions.
“Carbon footprint” is defined as the measure of greenhouse gases that one is responsible for creating, or units of carbon dioxide that are produced in tons per year. These gases are generated by various activities including transportation, home energy costs, diet, recycling practices, and waste production. The average American’s carbon footprint per person in 2014 was 21.5 metric tons CO2 according to the University of Michigan. What is your carbon footprint? Go to [] to find out!
By 2040, a four (4) degree increase in the average San Antonio temperatures is predicted.
Everything you need to get up to speed on Sustainability.
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We welcome these thought-provoking speakers who represent San Antonio’s diverse communities, and who are vested in empowering the next generation of leaders. Their unwavering commitment and vision has helped shape our beautiful city, create possibilities where there were none before, and challenged us to question and act for a better tomorrow. We thank them for the learning experiences they are sharing with us!
Our sponsors are passionate about investing in the future and leadership of San Antonio. We could not accomplish our goal of providing our fellow LSA 44 classmates with a memorable experience without their support and enthusiasm! Thank you to each and every one of you for helping us make an impact.